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Playing It Safe on Halloween

Medically reviewed by: Melanie L. Pitone, MD

Halloween is so much fun because it's not like other nights of the year. You can make it a great night by following some simple tips. (For starters, follow your area's guidelines on COVID-19 and don't go out if you have it or any other illness.)

Here's how to stay safe and have fun:

See and Be Seen

After dark, kids aren't usually swarming the neighborhood. But on Halloween night, they are. That's why kids need to watch out for cars and other traffic.

Be sure that your mask or costume doesn't cover your eyes or make it tough for you to see where you're going. You might think about wearing makeup instead of a mask. If you do wear a mask, make sure the eye holes are big enough that you can see.

Kids also need to be seen on Halloween, so it's a good idea to wear or carry something that glows in the dark. You might choose a glowing necklace, a glow-in-the-dark treat bag, or a flashlight. Your parents also can put reflective tape on your costume.

Don't Trip!

You want your costume to look cool, but there's nothing cool about tripping and stumbling all Halloween night. To make your costume trip-proof:

  • Make sure it's not too long.
  • Wear shoes that fit.
  • Don't use swords, canes, and other props that can get in your way.

Don't Go It Alone

It's best to trick-or-treat with family members or friends. It's also a good idea to have a grownup with you. If you have a cellphone, it can be another handy item to have with you. That way, you can check in with a parent or call for help, if needed. Don't look down at the phone if you're crossing a street or driveway.

Talk it over with your mom or dad when you're deciding where to trick-or-treat. Sticking close to home is great because then you'll know many of the people and you won't get lost in a neighborhood that you're not used to visiting. And people who already know you just might throw an extra treat in your bag!