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We've learned a lot about COVID-19. Here are some answers to questions about the virus and pregnancy.

Can COVID-19 Cause Problems for a Woman's Pregnancy or Her Baby?

Usually, COVID-19 during pregnancy causes a mild illness and women recover fully. But studies show that those who are or were recently pregnant and get COVID-19 are more at risk for severe illness than women who aren't pregnant. They're also more likely to have problems that can affect their baby than pregnant woman who don’t have COVID-19 (for example, their babies are more likely to be born early or even stillborn). So it's important to protect yourself by following all recommended pregnancy precautions.

How Can Pregnant Women Protect Themselves From COVID-19?

To protect yourself from COVID-19 and other infections if you're pregnant:

  • Stay up to date with your COVID-19 vaccines, including getting updated vaccines when it’s recommended. This also protects the baby from getting very sick with COVID-19 in the first 6 months of life.