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Movement, Coordination, and Your Newborn

Medically reviewed by: Mary L. Gavin, MD

Babies are born with newborn reflexes. These are involuntary movements that are a normal part of infant development. For example, if you put your finger in your newborn's hand, the baby will take hold of it.

How Is My Baby Moving?

Newborn reflexes show up soon after birth. They include:

  • Rooting and sucking reflex. This reflex helps a newborn get nourishment. Rooting prompts an infant to automatically turn in the direction of a food source, whether that's a breast or a bottle. You can see this response if you gently stroke your newborn's cheek near their mouth with your hand. Your infant will turn in that direction, mouth open, ready to suck. When a breast or a bottle nipple is placed in the baby's mouth, the baby will reflexively begin to suck.