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Medically reviewed by: Suken A. Shah, MD and Bernadette Fulweiler, APN

What Is Kyphosis?

Kyphosis (pronounced: kye-FOH-sis) makes a person's spine rounded so the back looks hunched over. Everyone has some rounding of the spine. But a larger rounding than normal can cause health problems like pain and breathing trouble.

Doctors sometimes treat kyphosis with back braces and physical therapy. A larger curve might need surgery.

What Are the Signs & Symptoms of Kyphosis?

The main signs of kyphosis are:

  • A rounded, hunched back. Sometimes the rounding is hard to see. Other times it's more noticeable. Some teens can't straighten their curve by standing up and some can.
  • Back pain. Some teens with kyphosis have back pain. 

The signs of kyphosis often become obvious during the growth spurt that happens around puberty.